Venus’s profile!

About me!!

Varian / Venus

he/they , 18 years old

Current Hyperfixations and interests!
- Byler (st ship)
- painting

Special interests<3
- art
- ocean life<3

- people who partake in cringe culture
- people who fakeclaim other’s mental illness
-demonize cluster b personality disorders (narcissistic, antisocial, borderline, histrionic)
- demonetize /glamorize any mental illness
- endo/demo “systems”
- hate on harmless interests
- Basic criteria (ableist, racist, homophobic, all that)
-use ableist / terms that are harmful to mentally ill + disabled people
-use/support the use of the term asbergers syndrome and/or functioning labels for autistics
-use/support the puzzle peice symbol for autistics
-support autism speaks
-support ABA tharapy

- I’m autistic + ADHD
- i am 18! Please don’t become friends with me if you’re under 15 it makes me uncomfortable
- I use tone tags regularly because I have a hard time getting my tone across correctly. I also need tone tags used sometimes, especially with jokes
- I have DID, if you aren’t going to be respectful don’t interact.

- ask before venting to me please
- don’t call me without asking, and don’t ask to call all the time
- please don’t correct or point out my spelling unless you need me to clarify what the word was
- please don’t ask for my medical information (what my diagnosis are, what meds I’m on, etc) that’s weird.
- please don’t make paranoia/delusion inducing jokes
- please don’t ask about my trauma, that is personal and I will share that if I want to.
- please only use they/them for me if you aren’t cis